GERM 101、102和103的部分可以灵活选择. 如果你的MWF / TTH课程和5天的语言课程计划有冲突, 你可以和Juliane Schicker (jschicker@carleton)联系,同时交叉注册两个部分. Eventually, you will have to fill out an add/drop card to enroll in both courses. After you speak with both instructors, you can fill out the add/drop card online here. The form will require the approval your German professor, 和你的德语课有冲突的那门课的教授, and your advisor.

For Minors and Majors: can’t fit a certain course into your schedule? Is a certain course not offered in the term you need it? Chat with us to find a substitute.

Fall 2023

  • GERM 101: Elementary German

    本课程介绍了德语的基本结构和日常词汇在共同的文化情境和真实的和虚构的媒体的背景下. 学生接触到所有四种技能(读,写,听,说).

    6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered Fall 2023, Fall 2023 · Kiley Kost, Juliane Schicker
  • GERM 101: Elementary German

    本课程介绍了德语的基本结构和日常词汇在共同的文化情境和真实的和虚构的媒体的背景下. 学生接触到所有四种技能(读,写,听,说).

    6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered Fall 2023, Fall 2023 · Kiley Kost, Juliane Schicker
  • GERM 204: Intermediate German

    In this course, 学生建立在他们的沟通技巧,从事更深入的口头和书面讨论德语文学, art, and culture. By analyzing longer and more challenging texts, films and other cultural media, continuing grammar review, and writing compositions, 学生在四种语言技能(写作)上获得更大的便利和信心, speaking, listening, and reading).

    Prerequisites: German 103 or equivalent 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered Fall 2023, Fall 2023 · Seth Peabody
  • GERM 204: Intermediate German

    In this course, 学生建立在他们的沟通技巧,从事更深入的口头和书面讨论德语文学, art, and culture. By analyzing longer and more challenging texts, films and other cultural media, continuing grammar review, and writing compositions, 学生在四种语言技能(写作)上获得更大的便利和信心, speaking, listening, and reading).

    Prerequisites: German 103 or equivalent 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered Fall 2023, Fall 2023 · Seth Peabody
  • GERM 267: Catastrophe! Natural Disaster in German Literature

    Are natural disasters ever really natural? 在这门以德语授课的课程中,我们将阅读描写灾难的文学作品和诗歌. 将灾难作为人类与环境互动的场所, we will explore and discuss the impact of modern technology, contemporary environmental issues, and the concept of disaster in the shadow of war. Thinking in terms of environmental justice, 我们还将考虑谁会受到这些灾难的影响以及以何种方式受到影响.

    Prerequisites: German 204 or equivalent 6 credits; International Studies, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Fall 2023 · Kiley Kost
  • GERM 400: Integrative Exercise

    Examining an aspect of German literature across eras or genres. 1-6 credit; S/NC; offered Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024

Winter 2024

  • GERM 102: Elementary German

    Building on the material covered in German 101, 本课程介绍更复杂的结构,并让学生接触短篇文学和文化文本以及其他媒体. 课程的重点是四种技能(读、写、听、说)。.

    Prerequisites: German 101 or equivalent 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered Winter 2024, Winter 2024 · Kiley Kost, Chloe Vaughn
  • GERM 102: Elementary German

    Building on the material covered in German 101, 本课程介绍更复杂的结构,并让学生接触短篇文学和文化文本以及其他媒体. 课程的重点是四种技能(读、写、听、说)。.

    Prerequisites: German 101 or equivalent 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered Winter 2024, Winter 2024 · Kiley Kost, Chloe Vaughn
  • GERM 156: Introduction to German Cinema: Film, Nature, and Nation

    How do films reflect and impact the cultures, societies, and physical environments within which they circulate? 德国历史的复杂性如何在电影史上提供一个特殊的案例? In this course, 我们通过环境批判的视角审视德国电影史, 从20世纪20年代表现主义的风格化风景到多元文化的当代德国电影环境. 主题包括宣传、战后废墟和反法西斯学生启发的反叛电影. Alongside each film, 我们将讨论文本和理论,为理解电影艺术思想的复杂相互作用提供框架, environmental understanding, and national identity. Taught in English.

    6 credits; International Studies, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Winter 2024 · Seth Peabody
  • GERM 212: Contemporary Germany in Global Context

    Over the past few years, Germany has been touted as the new leader of Europe, or even of the “free world,与此同时,在其境内也出现了激烈的政治分歧. 柏林墙在30年前倒塌,但东西方之间的紧张关系仍然十分严重. 德国总理默克尔(Angela Merkel)对难民采取了开放政策, 然而,极端主义的德国新选择党(AfD)基于仇外情绪精心策划了令人不安的上台. And while Germany has emerged as a global environmental leader, 与此同时,中国也面临着国内年轻人的强烈抗议,他们认为自己未能应对气候变化的挑战. In this class, 我们通过分析从政治演讲到诗歌抨击的各种文本,来审视当代德国这些看似矛盾背后的复杂性. Taught in German; advanced grammar review supports analytical tasks.

    Prerequisites: German 204 or equivalent 6 credits; Humanistic Inquiry, International Studies; offered Winter 2024 · Chloe Vaughn
  • GERM 400: Integrative Exercise

    Examining an aspect of German literature across eras or genres. 1-6 credit; S/NC; offered Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024

Spring 2024

  • GERM 103: Intermediate German

    德语复杂结构模式研究的继续, and the reading and discussion of longer texts, films, and other media from German-speaking cultures.

    Prerequisites: German 102 or equivalent 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered Spring 2024, Spring 2024 · Seth Peabody, Chloe Vaughn
  • GERM 103: Intermediate German

    德语复杂结构模式研究的继续, and the reading and discussion of longer texts, films, and other media from German-speaking cultures.

    Prerequisites: German 102 or equivalent 6 credits; Does not fulfill a curricular exploration requirement; offered Spring 2024, Spring 2024 · Seth Peabody, Chloe Vaughn
  • GERM 247: Mirror, Mirror: Reflecting on Fairy Tales and Folklore

    很多人都熟悉格林兄弟收集和出版的童话故事,也看过迪士尼动画电影和真人电影的反复演绎. In this class, taught in English, we will critically examine folktales, 考虑他们在塑造社会标准方面的作用,以及他们如何跨文化传播特定的价值观. 在讨论格林童话在媒体和文化中更大的作用之前,我们将研究格林童话的起源. 我们对传统德国童话的研究将会受到包括女性主义理论在内的当代理论方法的影响, ecocriticism, psychology, and animal studies.

    6 credits; International Studies, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Spring 2024 · Chloe Vaughn
  • GERM 261: 奥地利德语研究项目:维也纳的过去与现在:作为文本的城市

    本课程通过游览城市的博物馆和纪念馆来考察维也纳和奥地利(包括奥匈帝国)的历史. How are these histories memorialized in the structure of the city? What institutions make these histories visible? 维也纳的博物馆和纪念馆如何构建历史叙事,哪些人被遗忘在这些叙事之外? 维也纳及其他地区的实地考察和短途旅行为比较分析提供了机会.

    先决条件:参加奥地利德语研究计划 6 credits; Humanistic Inquiry, International Studies; offered Spring 2024 · Kiley Kost
  • GERM 262: 奥地利的德国研究项目:维也纳食品和饮料的文化史

    What are the cultural, historical, environmental, social, 政治力量塑造了我们对食物和饮料的体验? 本课程采用跨学科的方法来学习维也纳和奥地利重要的饮食文化. Site visits to the city’s iconic markets, taverns, producers, breweries and cafés deepen understanding and language skills.

    先决条件:参加奥地利德语研究计划 6 credits; Humanistic Inquiry, International Studies; offered Spring 2024 · Kiley Kost
  • GERM 263: German Studies in Austria Program: Austrian Art and Architecture

    In this course, students explore the evolution of art and architecture in Austria, learning about specific artists, eras, and movements. Students learn to critically analyze art and architecture, connecting work to Austrian, European, and global contexts. 该课程包括实地考察维也纳的各种博物馆和遗址.

    先决条件:参加奥地利德语研究计划 6 credits; International Studies, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Spring 2024 · Kiley Kost
  • GERM 322: 奥地利德语研究项目:当代奥地利文学和文化生产

    This course focuses on contemporary Austrian literature, theater, film, and the institutions that support authors and artists. Through multimedia texts (novels, film, theater, newspapers), 学生在遇到文化生产和批评的同时,也加强了德语技能. 在维也纳的文化机构和剧院举办的活动增进了人们对今天维也纳多元文化景观的了解.

    Prerequisites: Participation in OCS Austria Program 6 credits; International Studies, Literary/Artistic Analysis; offered Spring 2024 · Kiley Kost
  • GERM 400: Integrative Exercise

    Examining an aspect of German literature across eras or genres. 1-6 credit; S/NC; offered Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024